Getting started

This short guide explains how to get started with xframe once you have installed it with one of the methods described in the installation section.

First example

#include <iostream>
#include "xtensor/xrandom.hpp"
#include "xframe/xio.hpp"
#include "xframe/xvariable.hpp"

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    using coordinate_type = xf::xcoordinate<xf::fstring>;
    using variable_type = xf::xvariable<double, coordinate_type>;
    using data_type = variable_type::data_type;

    // Creation of the data
    data_type data = xt::eval(xt::random::rand({6, 3}, 15., 25.));
    data(0, 0).has_value() = false;
    data(2, 1).has_value() = false;

    // Creation of coordinates and dimensions
    auto time_axis = xf::axis({"2018-01-01", "2018-01-02", "2018-01-03", "2018-01-04", "2018-01-05", "2018-01-06"});
    auto city_axis = xf::axis({"London", "Paris", "Brussels"});
    auto coord = xf::coordinate({{"date", time_axis}, {"city", city_axis}});
    auto dim = xf::dimension({"date", "city"});

    // Creation of the variable
    auto var = variable_type(data, coord, dim);
    std::cout << var << std::endl;

    return 0;

This example creates a variable, that is, a tensor data (here random) with labels and dimension names.

Compiling the first example

xframe is a header-only library, so there is no library to link with. The only constraint is that the compiler must be able to find the headers of xframe and those of its dependencies, that is, xtensor and xtl; this is usually done by having the directory containing the headers in the include path. With GCC, use the -I option to achieve this. Assuming the first example code is located in example.cpp, the compilation command is:

gcc -I /path/to/headers/ example.cpp -o example

When you run the program, it produces the following output (data should be different since it is randomly generated):

{{    N/A, 23.3501, 24.6887},
 {17.2103, 18.0817, 20.4722},
 {16.8838,     N/A, 24.9646},
 {24.6769, 22.2584, 24.8111},
 {16.0986, 22.9811, 17.9703},
 {15.0478, 16.1246, 21.3976}}
date: (2018-01-01, 2018-01-02, 2018-01-03, 2018-01-04, 2018-01-05, 2018-01-06, )
city: (London, Paris, Brussels)

Building with cmake

A better alternative for building programs using xframe is to use cmake, especially if you are developing for several platforms. Assuming the following folder structure:

   |- src
   |   |- example.cpp
   |- CMakeLists.txt

The following minimal CMakeLists.txt is enough to build the first example:

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.1)

find_package(xtl REQUIRED)

add_executable(first_example src/example.cpp)
target_link_libraries(first_example xtensor)

cmake has to know where to find the headers, this is done through the CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX variable. Note that CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX is usually the path to a folder containing the following subfolders: include, lib and bin, so you don’t have to pass any additional option for linking. Examples of valid values for CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX on Unix platforms are /usr/local, /opt.

The following commands create a directory for building (avoid building in the source folder), builds the first example with cmake and then runs the program:

mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=your_prefix ..

Second example: simplified variable creation

xframe provides many shortcuts so coordinates and variables can be created with a concise syntax. The following example creates the same variable as the previous one:

#include <iostream>
#include "xtensor/xrandom.hpp"
#include "xframe/xio.hpp"
#include "xframe/xvariable.hpp"

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    using coordinate_type = xf::xcoordinate<xf::fstring>;
    using variable_type = xf::xvariable<double, coordinate_type>;
    using data_type = variable_type::data_type;

    // Creation of the data
    data_type data = xt::eval(xt::random::rand({6, 3}, 15., 25.));
    data(0, 0).has_value() = false;
    data(2, 1).has_value() = false;

    // Creation of the variable
    auto var = variable_type(
            {"date", xf::axis({"2018-01-01", "2018-01-02", "2018-01-03", "2018-01-04", "2018-01-05", "2018-01-06"})},
            {"city", xf::axis({"London", "Paris", "Brussels"})}
    std::cout << var << std::endl;

    return 0;

When compiled and run, this produces output similar to the one of the previous example (same coordinate system but different data due to random generation).

Third example: data access

xframe provides different ways to access data in a variable.

#include <iostream>
#include "xtensor/xrandom.hpp"
#include "xframe/xio.hpp"
#include "xframe/xvariable.hpp"

int main(int argc, char* argv[])

    using coordinate_type = xf::xcoordinate<xf::fstring>;
    using variable_type = xf::xvariable<double, coordinate_type>;
    using data_type = variable_type::data_type;

    // Creation of the data
    data_type data = xt::eval(xt::random::rand({6, 3}, 15., 25.));
    data(0, 0).has_value() = false;
    data(2, 1).has_value() = false;

    // Creation of the variable
    auto var = variable_type(
            {"date", xf::axis({"2018-01-01", "2018-01-02", "2018-01-03", "2018-01-04", "2018-01-05", "2018-01-06"})},
            {"city", xf::axis({"London", "Paris", "Brussels"})}

    // Data access
    std::cout << "operator() - " << var(3, 0) << std::endl;
    std::cout << "locate     - " << var.locate("2018-01-04", "London") << std::endl;
    std::cout << "iselect    - " <<{{"date", 3}, {"city", 0}}) << std::endl;
    std::cout << "select     - " <<{{"date", "2018-01-04"}, {"city", "London"}}) << std::endl;

    return 0;


operator() - 24.6769
locate     - 24.6769
iselect    - 24.6769
select     - 24.6769